Advantages and Disadvantages of using React JS

Let’s discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of the highest demanding javascript library up to date -React JS.
Advantages of Using React JS
Creating a dynamic web application has becomes Easier with React JS. Creating a dynamic website with HTML is tricky and involves some heavy and complex coding. But with React Js that process has become easier.
Reusable components are another strong point in react JS. As the react JS web application made up with individual components each of them has their own logic and control. Ultimately these each component are responsible for outputting small reusable HTML code which can user over and over again in the application.
Performance enhancement is also done when using React JS due to the fact that it is using virtual DOM (Document Object Model — allows accessing and changing document contents, layout, and even structure) instead of actual DOM. Most of traditional web application has faced the problem of slowing down after updating the DOM. But with virtual DOM in React it will lead to a smooth experience in the web application
Scope for testing is another advantage of using React. Due to the fact that its native tools are offered for testing, debugging code. React JS applications are easy to be tested.
Disadvantages of Using React JS
Using JSX can be a bit of barrier when developing React JS. JSX is a syntax extension that allows HTML with JavaScript to be mixed together While this has its own advantages learning curve might be steep specially for new developers.
The higher pace of development in React JS is another disadvantage of using it. Since the environment is changing constantly it might be a possible to lean towards unstable web applications when working with React JS.
So, these are the most obvious advantages of React on its own when it is not compared with other frameworks. Cheers!!